Well back to school we went and this is the first time I've had a chance to post. I did finish the green and silver pendant. I am pleased with it. I just need to photograph it. In the mean time I created this necklace to wear when my son plays tennis! He played yesterday and it was FREEZING! but...he won and didn't seem like the cold weather affected him! The Word TENNIS was cut from a dictionary and then I just started picking colors that made me happy. I am going to try a new project using some old photographs next.See Ya, Dawn
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tennis Anyone?
Well back to school we went and this is the first time I've had a chance to post. I did finish the green and silver pendant. I am pleased with it. I just need to photograph it. In the mean time I created this necklace to wear when my son plays tennis! He played yesterday and it was FREEZING! but...he won and didn't seem like the cold weather affected him! The Word TENNIS was cut from a dictionary and then I just started picking colors that made me happy. I am going to try a new project using some old photographs next.See Ya, Dawn
Friday, February 19, 2010
Friday - Its hard to bead if you're blowing your nose!

What a day yesterday turned out to be! I was virtually by myself for several hours (In bead talk that means bead,bead,bead!) and I spent most of the time blowing my nose. I didn't feel bad enough to go to bead, but sure hindered my progress of finishing a project a day. Another thing that complicated the story was the fact that I had guidelines. The BAO team (Bead Art Originals) has a color mosaic that they put on the blog.The next color scheme is shades of green and silver. Well I do color mixes very well. I love what I call "bead soup", a little of this , a little of that and a lot more of one color. I decided for my project not to do the soup thing, just stick to one color in varying sizes and silver. Oh My Gosh!!I ripped out this thing at least 10 times!! I'm surprised that there isn't a hole in the base.I will get it though, I am determined.The peyote stitch bezel is finished around the cabochon, which is the word danced,dancing from an antique dictionary.
On happier notes the BAO Item of the Week Mosaic is out. Take a look and drool over the creations, then visit the respective Etsy shops and purchase these Treasures and keep for your own.Most have great deals on these pieces.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Wednsdays Project
As I am on my quest to "finish" (that is a key word since I can draw out and lay out a trillion projects a day) a project each day, I decided to revisit my old roots. I LOVE tassels.Did you catch the all caps there? Yes, I love tassels because they move, they swing and sometimes even make noise!! As part of my renewed bead energy I have learned the Tubular Herringbone stitch. That was to be the start of this new tassel necklace. Then came the adding of colors. About a year ago I did five bridesmaid pieces for a customer, each was different but used the same beads. The colors were mango and hot pink. I fell in love with the combination and decided that this was to be the colors of choice for Tassel number one. oops, you might can tell that there are several other tassel projects laid out on the counter! I finished and have to admit, I love it. The necklace consists of the Herringbone tube,sterling bead caps and toggle. The stone used on the tassel didn't have a name so I don't know what it is, really who cares as long as the color is good!I am trying another today, but am going to change the format of the tassel. I found a broken tassel Christmas ornament while cleaning out a drawer and the tassel was created off of one main strand. I think that I'll try it today.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Tuesday Morning
My Goal for this week, being out of school for mid winter break is to create a new piece each day.I'm not sure that I can do that but I am at least striving for that and being creative. I have finished the "joy" pendant that actually started with the Herringbone stitch project. I was pleased with the results. I especially liked the silver 15's around the edge. It gave the rather heavy piece a lacy feel.
In my quest to make sure I didn't forget how to do freeform Peyote I made myself a bracelet. This is the finished result. I think this will get worn many times. I have also started 2 other bracelets. I love the way this bracelet looks mainly aqua but when you look really close there are colors of every kind in it.
We've been watching the Olympics every day. It is amazing to me what some of these athletes go through to master their respective sport. So often we don't see the coaches, mom's, dad's, brothers and sisters behind the scenes. It truly is a family commitment also. The whole family is a winner as they sacrifice, and struggle with the athletes. So, Here is my shout out to all the families that stand behind their athlete in the shadows of triumph.
Monday, February 15, 2010
This is to show you how the Latest project is coming along. Sometimes a pendant or project just presents itself in my mind and I see it very clearly, at other times I have to work to see were it should go. This is one of those cases. I started out with a good amount of aqua with this but it never worked out.I am very close to finishing and will post pictures this evening of the final result.
At one time I did a lot of free form peyote stitch. As I was sitting here on one of our "snow" days, which was beautiful by the way!! I realized that I didn't know exactly how to start a free form bracelet any more..so to prove to myself I could, I started one and its like riding a bike. Once you jump on it comes back!!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Starting Differently
I started my current project a little differently. Usually I create a pendant and then don't worry to much about what to hang it on.Most likely a ribbon or a leather cord. This time I decided to do the necklace part first! I have been bound and determined to learn some new beading stitches. The tubular herringbone was to be my first! I got out one of my favorite bead soups and trudged along as this slippery "bead snake" tried to get the best of me. No way Jose!! I got It! and love it. This is the project in progress.I've started the bezel for this cabochon, and bead embroidery will follow. I'll show you how it turns out. BTW, I've got 2 more herringbone projects started!!
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